Cloud Storage provides a wide enough storage media, here you can use it to store various purposes such as documents, presentations, photos, or videos. Not only from the devices used,
1. DriftGuard Data Protection
When we have decided to adopt or migrate data to the Cloud, what matters is how the Cloud service provider provides DriftGuard for our data. With what methods they do the protection so that we believe the data is safe, besides the location of data storage is also an important consideration where this has to do with the Data Center. It is certain that the data center they make is
2. Security Control
After our data is truly protected, what is next is the security of access to our data, what is the procedure so that only authorized people can access our data. This includes access
3. Standards at service provider companies
Standards that are applied to Cloud service providers, for
4. Multi-tenancy
One of the characteristics of Cloud computing is resource sharing, well how about when there are other tenants who are cheating or leaking, what is the impact on our data there, this must be considered. Because physically, our data can be in the same physical media as another.